Butt Glue

Dear Lord...I know I'm getting old when I forget the name of my own blog. Second blog mind you. Though I have now re-lost mytaste for pork again (unclear, read my other blog)
Just completed Lacey Loves to Read 2011. Kirby Larson was our guest author and an amazing human being at that. Got to shuttle her around for two days in my little red Candy but really she did me the service.

Honestly, I'm tired about dreaming of being a writer. I mean, I am by training and maybe by title but for goodness sake I need to stop talking and start writing. I have a great book sitting around and it's not going to get published by sitting on a hard drive.
Kirby talked about having some butt glue to get a writer to stay in her chair and get the job done. This weekend I'm going to open that draft and start figuring out next steps.
Pearl deserves to have her story told...


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