Flat candy and other obsessions
It started out simply like it often does. The desire to do something nice for someone, or simply feel that rewarding sense of accomplishment. A box checked. An overdue phone call. A post it note recycled. A sock drawer cleaned out because, why not? In this case, on the brink of Halloween, it was a quest to find flat candy. "What the hell is flat candy?" you might ask (and did if you are my husband). Well get comfortable because this is a tall tale to tell and possibly one you can relate to if you are a) an overachiever, b) a little OCD, or c) just like "the hunt." A little background: Many moons ago I had the privilege of traveling on a group study exchange to India with some other -- at the time -- young people (all Canadians) and our leader, a Rotarian and American named Dan. We were there five weeks and it was both grueling and unforgettable. I got girardia which stayed with me for a year. I jogged around cows. Living on the go with different Indian fa...