The power of procrastination
Fast forward nearly 30 years and deadlines are no longer my friend because generally I set them myself. Or I have too many. Or I put them off. Or they are impossible to meet. See -- excuses!
Same for being on time. I am the queen (ask my coworkers and friends) of being 5 minutes (or more) late because I am always trying to get "one more thing" done before I go off to another meeting or appointment. One time I was late to get home so my kindergartner had to ride the bus back to the bus barn where I had to pick her up in shame. Still, I kept putting things off.
Awhile back I just sort of gave myself an "out" and said, "You know what, I'm pretty good at everything else. The world won't stop if I'm a little late to everything. Exactly! The world doesn't stop and other people are waiting on me and in the words of my always on time engineer husband "That's just rude."
So today, October 7, 2019, I am going to be on time. I am going to prioritize my deadlines and not go down the rabbit hole that is Facebook or spend precious time unsubscribing from Crate and Barrel emails. I know I will never "get everything done" no matter how much I color code my tasks or make lists. I just need to focus on the HAVE TOS!
Oops gotta run! Deadline to walk my dog is coming up and he's not a patient pup when it comes to going out.
Time CAN be on my side if I make it!
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