Take three deep breaths

Confession: I first started writing this post in January 2020. It was my last entry on this blog. The irony is not lost on me that it was the same month coronvirus was first announced in Seattle, or that two months later we'd all be quarantined to our homes for an unspecified amount of time. We know what happened next: nearly 7 million deaths worldwide from COVID-19; masks, masks and more masks; homeschool and home offices, devisiveness and hatred that split apart our country; vaccinated vs. unvaccinated status tearing apart families and so on. We don't need to rehash it more than that except to say our world will never be the same, especially around mental health. So was it just the calm before the storm that made me write the following words before all hell broke loose in the world via the pandemic, politics, transphobia, gun violence, racism, and the like? Was I steeling myself for what was just around the corner? Over the last few weeks I have had a series of phys...